The fortnight started with me being interviewed by Will Goodings.
A longer interview like that is a great opportunity to go beyond the grab lines about the business and talk about the history, what makes us tick and a few funny stories along the way.
Feedback I have had since the interview was that I got rather passionate about not only Kytons but the South Australian food industry in general!
Over a two week period, 11 other SA companies were also featured in the project and each company not only had an afternoon interview, but also gave away lots of lovely goodies to lots of 5aa listeners.
Everybody loves prizes, especially from Kytons
As well as the give-aways, the listeners also received tickets to the grand finale of the Best of SA project – a fabulous dinner last Friday night at Adelaide Oval. Overlooking our magnificent new oval, over 250 listeners, guests from the featured businesses and 5aa personalities, as well as Larry the Lamington, enjoyed a delicious dinner (featuring Kytons lamingtons and Haighs Truffles on the dessert platter), checked out displays by each of the companies and went home with a smile on their faces and even more goodies packed into s Best Of SA goodie bag.
There is a lot of doom and gloom talk around SA at the moment, but we can all be a part of turning our state around in the right direction – if we all support our local shops and try to point your purchases towards the family owned, SA operated businesses, big and small (take the time to find out who they are) we can all be a part of the solution, helping provide jobs and pride for our fantastic state.
By the way the other 11 SA businesses were : Austral Meats, Websters Lawyers, Adelaide Central Market, Shoe Shed, Haighs Chocolates, Adelaide Arcade, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Health Partners, West End Brewery, Bellita Potatoes, Care Alert.